Kansas Department of Revenue Issuing Corrected Forms

Did you receive a 1099G form from the Kansas Department of Revenue? If so, you will soon receive a corrected document in the mail.
This week the Kansas Department of Revenue discovered some of the 1099Gs sent out for the tax year 2016 listed the incorrect refund amount. Taxpayers who received a 1099G from the Kansas Department of Revenue should destroy the form and be on the lookout for a new form. The new forms will be marked CORRECTED on both the form and envelope and will be mailed no later than Monday, January 31st.
For more information please refer to the notice posted by the Kansas Department of Revenue: Kansas to resend corrected 1099G forms
Individual Organizers Have Gone Out
Individual tax return organizers, along with engagement letters, went out earlier this month. If you have not received yours or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time.
Upcoming Deadlines
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Paper or electronically file Forms W3 and W2 with the Social Security Administration (SSA)
File Forms 940, 941, 943, 944 and/or 945 if you did not deposit all taxes when due
File Form 1096 and 1099MISC forms reporting nonemployee compensation with the tax authorities (all other 1099s are due February 28th by paper or April 2nd if filed electronically)
Furnish Forms 1098, 1099 and W2 to recipients (employees, vendors, etc.)
Applicable Large Employers – provide Forms 1095C to fulltime employees; for all other providers, provide Forms 1095B to responsible individuals
Friday, February 10, 2017
File Forms 940, 941, 943, 944 and/or 945 if you timely deposited all required payments
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
File Forms 1096 with accompanying 1099MISC with tax authorities if filing paper; electronically filed forms due March 31 (except for nonemployee comp which is due January 31)
Applicable Large Employers – File paper Forms 1094C and 1095C; all other providers file paper Forms 1094B and 1095B with the IRS (electronically filed forms may be submitted by March 31)