2016 1099 Filing Requirements
Reporting Payments to Vendors and/or Third Parties Does your business issue payments to third parties via check or cash for services,...

Tax Return Filing Due Dates Are Changing!
It's hard to believe that it is already mid-October! That means the 2016 tax return filing season is just around the corner! This...

2017 Changes to Filing Deadlines
There are big changes coming regarding tax return filing deadlines for tax year 2016 (filing in 2017). The President just signed a new...

Individual Income Tax Related Updates (December 2015)
Annual Gift Tax Exclusion amount for 2015 remains at $14,000 per donee without reducing the giver’s estate and lifetime gift tax...

Congress Passes Tax Extenders
Congress just signed into law the "Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act of 2015" (PATH Act) which is good news for many taxpayers. The...

Reporting Payments to Vendors and/or Third Parties
Does your business issue payments to third parties via check or cash for services, non-employee compensation, rent or other items? If so,...